The Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI), is a Spanish Private Research & Technology Organization, is a Competence Centre in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), established in 1994 by a joint initiative of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), and a group of companies in the ICT sector. ITI Research and Innovation activity is developed by a team of more than 150 technologists (researchers and technicians). ITI is providing solutions to different domains: IT industry, Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), Society (Health 4.0, Tourism, Cities, Buildings), Transport and Agriculture 4.0. All this activity confers ITI the possibility to give the following offer: Access to infrastructure and technology platforms, Access to specialist expertise on digitisation & applications, Collaborative research for Industry needs, Demonstrate best practices, Training and Education, Showcase technologies in pilot factories, fab-labs, Support experimentation in real-life environments.
TRAXENS was created with the vision that multimodal container industry could make huge gains in efficiency, service, and protection of the planet if every company and every person in the supply chain has the right information at the right time. Any solution created to fulfil this vision had to be designed for massive deployment. TRAXENS delivers the world’s most exhaustive, precise and timely information on containers and container transporters allowing all stakeholders in multi-modal transport to improve costs, optimize investment, and offer premium services. To attain this performance TRAXENS led a 3-year R&D program to develop specific technology required to produce cost effective, durable and autonomous devices for a wide range of container data capture and real-time transmission of this data from anywhere on the globe. TRAXENS works with industry leaders to create advanced technical standards with the objective of taking the entire shipping industry to new levels of productivity. CMA CGM and MSC are minority shareholders and are deploying TRAXENS solution across their container fleets starting early 2017.
PRODEVELOP, S.L. is an SME employing 80 engineers, most of them computing, telecommunication, industrial and cartography engineers, located in Valencia, Barcelona and Algeciras, Spain, with more than 20 years of experience. PRODEVELOP is specialized in consulting, development, deploying, and operating solutions for the port and public bodies sectors. Its main focus is on geospatial solutions based on free and open source software and on the Internet of Things realm. The research lines at PRODEVELOP include Internet of Things, interoperability of sensor systems through SWE (Sensor Web Enablement), geoprocessing services, embedded software, geospatial technologies in mobile, desktop, Web and service environments, and modelling software system. PRODEVELOP is a leader of Port Management Solutions at an international level. Besides, PRODEVELOP offers solutions related to geospatial technologies and services, precision agriculture, Smart Cities or Spatial Data Infrastructures. PRODEVELOP provides consultancy for many departments of the Valencia Regional Government on software development and systems administration.
For more than sixty years, IBM Research, as the world’s largest IT research organisation, has been the innovation engine of the IBM Corporation. Since the beginning of 2000, IBM has spent $75 billion in R&D, enabling IBM to deliver key innovations and maintain U.S. patent leadership for the 21st consecutive year in 2013. IBM participates in and contributes to the work of standards consortia, alliances, and formal national and international standards organisations. IBM holds a leadership position when it comes to the creation, development and manufacture of the industry’s most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. IBM participates in and contributes to the work of standards consortia, alliances, and formal national and international standards organizations. Where appropriate, IBM adopts consensus technologies in order to maintain openness, interoperability, and application portability. IBM Research is a leading research institution in the world and contributes significantly to the research community.
The Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation S.A. (OTE) is a Greek Telecommunication Provider, member of the Deutsche Telekom (DT) Group of Companies, is the incumbent telecommunications provider in Greece. OTE offers its customers a wide range of technologically advanced services such as high-speed data communications, mobile telephony, Internet access, infrastructure provision, multimedia services, leased lines, maritime and satellite communications, telex and directories. OTE holds a significant position in the market (network operator and service provider) with experience in the related topic of DataPorts. The company emphasizes upon the design, development, validation and testing of new services, with the aim of supporting new and innovative services, so that to have a continuous advantage compared to its competitors in the national and the wider European/international area.
NTT Data Spain (https://es.nttdata.com) is a large ICT Company and part of the NTT DATA group, that offers its clients comprehensive business solutions covering all aspects of the value chain, from business strategy to systems implementation. From a business perspective, NTT DATA Spain covers actions in economic sectors such as Industry, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Public Sector, Utilities, Insurance, Media, Telecom or Banking. NTT Data also counts on with several technological key lines, such as AI, Cybersecurity, blockchain, IoT or Cloud. It is active on EU undertaking a wide range of innovative activities, such as technological developments, pilots implementations, industry reports and surveys, business plans, commercialisation and exploitation programs, integration developments and coordination management. As a result, the company gathers experts on projects management, preparation and implementation of business and exploitation plans, software development and dissemination, as well as a wide range of technological knowledge, put at the innovation activities disposal.
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) is a dynamic, innovative, public institution, dedicated to research and teaching that keeps strong ties with the social environment in which its activities are performed and, simultaneously, has an important presence abroad. Today, over 39,000 members integrate its academic community: 35,000 of these are students, 2,387 are teachers and 1,593 belong to administration. UPVLC includes 15 faculty centres: ten schools, three faculties, and two higher polytechnic schools (Alcoy and Gandia), and five associated institutions. UPV contribution to DataPorts will come from the Distributed Real Time Systems Lab (DRTSL) which belongs to the Communications Department. The department is composed of several research groups whose activities include a big number of fields within ICT, such as: Internet of Things, mobile communications, distributed real time systems, or broadband networks.
NTUA is the oldest and most prestigious technical university in Greece. It was founded in 1837 and has since been contributing to the progress of the engineering science in Greece. The University comprises nine departments, each one covering a different aspect of the engineering field. The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens is well known in Greece and abroad for the research achievements of its faculty members and the good reputation of its students and alumni. The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) is a research organisation associated with the School of ECE and has about 40 laboratories and research units presently active which are established by the implementation of several structural programmes. The Distributed, Knowledge and Media Systems Group (DKMS), is a research laboratory operating under ICCS.
The University of Duisburg-Essen (https://www.uni-due.de/) is one of the youngest universities in Germany and thinks in terms of possibilities, not limitations. UDE ranks 13th in the Times Higher Education Ranking of the world’s 150 best universities that were founded in the past 50 years. UDE is member of the University Alliance Ruhr (http://www.uaruhr.de/profil_en.php), which pools more than 120,000 students, close to 1,200 professors and over 300 MEUR annual 3rd party funding. paluno, the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology of UDE (https://paluno.uni-due.de/en/), was founded in 2010. Within paluno 10 professors and their teams join forces. With more than 100 academic staff members, paluno conducts application-oriented research on important areas of software engineering, including autonomic and self-adaptive systems, software architectures, security-privacy-trust, cloud computing, and big data systems. Research activities are performed in close cooperation with well-known partners from industry and research.
The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) is one of the largest research centres in Greece. It was founded in 2000 and is located in Thessaloniki, Greece. The mission of CERTH is to promote the triplet Research – Development – Innovation by conducting high quality scientific research and developing innovative products and services while building strong partnerships with industry (national and international) and strong collaborations with research centres and universities in Greece and abroad.
The Information Technologies Institute (ITI) was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organisation under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Greek Ministry of Development, with its head office located in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 10/03/2000 it is a founding member of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) also supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT). CERTH/ITI is one of the leading Institutions of Greece in the fields of Informatics, Telematics and Telecommunications, with long experience in numerous European and national R&D projects. It is active in a large number of application sectors (energy, buildings and construction, health, manufacturing, robotics, (cyber)security, transport, smart cities, space, agri-food, marine and blue growth, water, etc.) and technology areas such as data and visual analytics, data mining, machine and deep learning, virtual and augmented reality, image processing, computer and cognitive vision, human computer interaction, IoT and communication technologies, navigation technologies, cloud and computing technologies, distributed ledger technologies (blockchain), (semantic) interoperability, system integration, mobile and web applications, hardware design and development, smart grid technologies and solutions and social media analysis.
Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST (FhG-ISST) is a German RTO which is part of Fraunhofer. Based in Dortmund its main technical focus is architectures for complex and heterogeneous larger scale software systems and concepts and solutions for information logistics applications. Fraunhofer ISST is a member of BITKOM, which represents Germany’s IT, telecommunication and digital media sectors, of the Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI), and of the Smart Data Innovation Lab, an initiative of IT industry and academia in Germany. Fraunhofer ISST is also a member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), the contractual partner of the European Commission within the H2020 Big Data Public-Private-Partnership. Fraunhofer ISST is also a founding partner in the International Data Spaces (IDS) initiative.
The Valenciaport Foundation for Research, Promotion and Commercial Studies of the Valencia region (Valenciaport Foundation) is a private non-profit research centre created in 2004 through an agreement between the most representative associations and companies of the Valencia logistics-ports community and various institutions of the Valencia region, all of which are involved in logistics and maritime transport. The Valenciaport Foundation team is composed of R&D&I specialists and engineers in the fields of digital transformation, ICT, industrial, maritime and intermodal transport, logistics and transport economics. The Valenciaport Foundation manifests an R&D&I centre of excellence that not only undertakes its own academic research but also serves as a tool at the service of all agents involved in the transport and logistics chain and particularly within the maritime, port and transport domains, these being key competitive elements buttressing the internationalisation process of Spanish companies. On top of the activities linked to research and training, the Valenciaport Foundation also carries out international cooperation projects focused on the optimal and integrated development of transport, logistics and ports located in third countries.