During this year, DataPorts partners have participated in the following events:
Slide2open Shipping Finance 2021 Conference (16 – 18 March)
Our partner OTE participated in the Slide2Open Shipping Finance 2021 Digital Conference (Tuesday to Thursday 16-18 March 2021). The purpose of this conference was to offer tangible results to participants, through valuable information on activities, offers, proven practices and trends in the field of shipping finance. Among the key topics of the conference were international trading, sustainability and energy issues, and digital transformation and information and communication technology. During the participation, OTE presented DataPorts to the global shipping community with a presentation titled “DataPorts: Designing the Future of Seaports”. It was a presentation regarding the vision and the objectives of DataPorts toward the seaports transformation.
BDVA/DAIRO Activity Group Meeting 43 – BDV PPP Technical Committee #7 (18 – 19 March)
As in previous occasions, BDVA members and the BDV PPP projects joined forces around common topics of interest on 18th and 19th March 2021. The main topics discussed were Data Platforms, Data/AI Governance and Standards and Trustworthiness of Industrial AI. DataPorts participated with two presentations from Francisco Valverde (ITI) about data spaces building blocks, and Sofia Terzi (CERTH) on data governance issues.
EUHubs4Data data forum (30 March)
EUH4D Data Forum is an annual event held within the framework of the EUH4D project. It is created with the aim of raising awareness, sharing results and recommendations, and receiving contributions on strategies and policies from the European Commission around data. The event took place on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 in online format with the participation of different experts in the field of European Big Data. DataPorts project coordinator, Santiago Cáceres from ITI, presented the project perspective on technical challenges around data exploitation.
BDVA/DAIRO Activity Group Meeting 44 – BDV PPP Technical Committee #8 (22 – 23 April)
As in the previous group meeting reported, BDVA members and the BDV PPP projects joined forces around common topics of interest on 22nd and 23rd April 2021. The main topics discussed were Data/AI Standards and interoperability, Data Spaces and Trustworthiness of Industrial AI. DataPorts participated with a presentation from Andreu Belsa (UPV) about Metadata Interoperability.
Workshop on Transforming in Shipping & Maritime with blockchain technologies (13 May)
OTE and CERTH co-organised the workshop in collaboration with AMMITEC, the Association of Maritime Managers in Information Technology and Communications. This workshop, which took place on Thursday 13th May 2021, aspires to be the first step in a series of collaborative actions between DataPorts and Ammitec that will emphasize on the technology transfer in the shipping and maritime ICT community predicting and planning the transformation of seaports. Challenges in maritime and shipping addressed by Blockchain-based solutions were presented along with real-life Blockchain supported use cases.

RI.Logistica conference (19 – 20 May)
The RI.Logistica conference is an event designed for research infrastructures (RIs), their users and collaborators, companies in the supply chain management, and governmental authorities to discuss all aspects of logistics critical for research facilities and laboratories. The event was held virtually on 19-20 May 2021. Fabiana Fournier from IBM moderated a session called “Traveling on the Data Highway: The Digital Transition”. The session addresses the challenges and opportunities that come with an ever-increasing digital landscape. Andreas Metzger from UDE made a presentation in this session titled “How Data and AI can Transform Transport and Logistics and Enable New Insights”.
Data Spaces Synergy Group – Kick-off meeting (21 May)
The Data Spaces Synergy Group kick-off meeting was aimed at initiating the collaboration between organizations and projects sharing the above described vision on how to materialize an open standard-based, open source available, and CEF-compatible soft infrastructure for creation of data spaces in Europe. A number of projects part of the BDV PPP (EUH4Data, i4Trust, BD4NRG, PLATOON, Synergy, DataPorts) participated in this kick-off meeting. After a first intro presentation and presentations from initial projects joining the Data Spaces Synergy Group, a number of breakout sessions were run in parallel. Santiago Caceres (ITI) presented the DataPorts project and participated in Task Force 1: Data Spaces Technology Building Blocks. Cristina Muñoz (EVR) participated in Task Force 2: Business and Legal Frameworks and Policy recommendations. Finally, Andreu Belsa (UPV) participated in Task Force 3: Ecosystem building and Communications.

BDVA/DAIRO Data Week 2021 (25 – 27 May)
Data Week is the spring gathering of the European Big Data Value and Industrial AI research and innovation community. This year, it was held online from 25th to 27th of May 2021. On Thursday May 27, DataPorts partners from UDE, ITI, UPV and PRO organised a session called “Unleashing the potential of ports and maritime logistics via data-driven solutions: Opportunities and Challenges”. The workshop elaborated on how data-driven services and applications (including AI-based cognitive solutions) can help stakeholders in the logistics, ports, and maritime sectors to improve their operations. It also helped identify and understand the challenges that must be addressed to facilitate adoption of these solutions. Thereby, it focused on industrial data spaces and platforms, with a focus on transport and logistics, as one key vertical sector of European importance. The workshop featured interventions from key ICT projects dedicated to data-driven solutions for transport, including the BDV PPP projects DataPorts and TransformingTransport, as well as the H2020 projects SmartShip, PIXEL, and ASSIST-IoT. It also leveraged insights and experiences from linked activities, such as the BDVA task forces and subgroups.
3rd PIXEL Webinar – The PIXEL Platform (17 June)
The webinar took place on 17th June 2021. DataPorts Project participated in a webinar organized by PIXEL Project mainly focused on describing Pixel Platform in detail. Andreu Belsa (UPV) presented DataPorts and its synergies with Pixel in a slot of this webinar called “Cross-fertilisation between research projects: synergies with DataPorts and the use of FIWARE in maritime ports’ innovation initiatives”.
The 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2021) (16 – 18 September)
The IDC symposium gathers researchers and practitioners in the area of Intelligent Distributed Computing to discuss the latest findings, research achievements and ideas in that field. Rafael Vañó (UPV) presented a work done in collaboration with H2020 Project PIXEL, which proposed a solution based on the development done in PIXEL and DataPorts to calculate collaboratively and share quantitative composite indicators among industrial actors while ensuring data sovereignty.

TRA2022 – Get Engaged through ALICE (19 November)
Open session to ALICE members and ALICE Liaison Projects. The first information session, held on 19 of November 2021, shared and explored possibilities for projects, companies and organizations to join TRA Conference and discover opportunities to influence the agenda and outreach to a wide range of stakeholders. Particularly, it was shared and discussed how the projects can get the best out of TRA by joining forces and get support or do it through ALICE. The UPV assisted to that meeting representing DataPorts as a dissemination member of an ALICE liaison project.

BDVA Data Platforms Workshop 1 (23 November)
The DataPorts Project coordinator, Santiago Cáceres (ITI) participated in the first Data Platforms workshops, organized by BDVA/DAIRO, which took place online on 23 of November 2021. Santiago showed the project status and lessons learned so far, together with a description of the architecture. The DataPorts presentation was followed by panel discussions.
Infocom World Conference (24 – 26 November)
Infocom World 2021 Conference was held online on 24 – 26 of November. DataPorts participated in the conference with a web presentation titled “DataPorts: Data and Services for the Future of Seaports” and was represented by OTE and ICCS partners. The 3-day event was organized in seven distinct sessions to present both the scope and results of related 5G EU-funded projects as well as to identify further opportunities for growth. DataPorts was involved in session 2, the scope of which was to emphasize on the verticals by presenting not only the context and/or the architectural framework but also advanced validation trials (including results and assessment of respective KPIs) from multiple vertical industries.

MobiDataLab 1st Webinar (25 November)
DataPorts project was presented by Santiago Cáceres (ITI), the DataPorts Project coordinator, in the first MobiDataLab webinar, followed by a panel discussion about the importance of a data sharing culture in Europe and the corresponding challenges and opportunities. Other initiatives related to data sharing between actors in the transport and mobility, like Moliere and SoBigData++ project, joined the discussion.

European Big Data Value Forum 2021 (29 November – 3 December)
The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) is the flagship event of the European Big Data Value and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community organised by the BDVA and the European Commission (DG CNECT). The EBDVF 2021 theme was “Digital Transformation powered by Data and AI”. The event brings together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policymakers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions, and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI. DataPorts organized a session titled “DataPorts: A Data Platform for the Cognitive Ports of the Future” on November 29th and was represented by ITI, CERTH, UPV and ICCS. This session provided an overview of the project platform and main technical outcomes, as well as specific details and demonstrations about the main components of this industrial data platform. In addition, some final remarks about the platform and the project were presented.
FOCUS PYME 2021 (30 November)
DataPorts project was presented by Santiago Cáceres, DataPorts coordinator, in the FOCUS PYME workshop, followed by a panel discussion about the importance of using data effectively in SMEs. The workshop took place physically in Valencia, Spain on 30 November 2021.