In recent years, due to a great interest of both Industry and Academy in researching and developing data management technology, many solutions for different verticals and merging different data sources have been implemented. However, there is no global reference standard for data platform technology and we do not foresee one in the near future. Data platforms scenarios are characterized by a high-degree of heterogeneity at all levels, preventing deployment, federation and interoperability of existing solutions.

Although many projects/initiatives have dealt and/or are dealing with developing data platforms architectures in diversified application domains, not many projects have addressed integration in port environments with the possibility of including cognitive services/applications and extending/federating the platform to whole transportation routes covering whole Europe. Furthermore, no proposals (to date) have been put forward to deliver a general, fully reusable, and systematic approach to solve data platform deployments associated with port community systems and associated data.

Lack of interoperable, scalable, reliable data platforms causes major technological and business issues such as the impossibility to plug non-interoperable data sources into heterogeneous data platforms, the impossibility to develop applications to exploit heterogeneous data in homogeneous and/or cross domains, slowness of data technology introduction at a large-scale, discouragement in adopting data sharing technology, increase of costs, scarce reusability of data, user dissatisfaction, and lack of unified data governance mechanisms.

DataPorts will provide a data platform in which transportation and logistics companies around a seaport will be able to manage data like any other company asset, in order to create the basis to offer cognitive services.

DataPorts includes the deployment, testing and showcase of the data platform in two relevant European ports (Valencia, Thessaloniki), where it will be connected to the existing digital platforms to collect data, will provide sharing rules and added value to data owners, and on top of which the pilots will develop AI and cognitive applications to solve specific problems and improve processes for each pilot.

The project also includes two global use cases involving those ports where the platform provides inter-port data sharing and connect to other actors to improve processes at a large scale.

Project title: DataPorts – A Data Platform for the Cognitive Ports of the Future

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Topic: ICT-13-2018-2019 – Supporting the emergence of data markets and the data economy

Contract Number: 871493

EC funding:  5 740 586,63 €

Duration: 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2022


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