DataPorts will organise the workshop titled “Unleashing the potential of ports and maritime logistics via data-driven solutions: Opportunities and Challenges” at the Data Week 2021.
This workshop elaborates how data-driven services and applications (including AI-based cognitive solutions) can help stakeholders in the logistics, ports, and maritime sectors to improve their operations. It will also help identify and understand the challenges that must be addressed to facilitate adoption of these solutions. Thereby, this workshop focuses on industrial data spaces and platforms, with a focus on transport and logistics, as one key vertical sector of European importance.
The workshop features interventions from key ICT projects dedicated to data-driven solutions for transport, including the BDV PPP projects DataPorts and TransformingTransport, as well as the H2020 projects SmartShip, PIXEL, and ASSIST-IoT. The workshop will also leverage insights and experiences from linked activities, such as the BDVA taskforces and subgroup.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
- Present relevant initiatives in the ports and maritime sector which make use of Data platforms and Services.
- Show clear examples of these solutions in concrete applications, such as in the ports of Bordeaux, Monfalcone, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Valencia, and Duisport.
- Discuss architectures and building blocks for vertical data platforms in transport and data-driven solutions for transport.
- Discuss current limitations, obstacles and important research, innovation and deployment challenges.
Data Week is the spring gathering of the European Big Data Value and Industrial AI research and innovation community. This year, Data Week will be held online from 25th to the 27th of May. The event is co-organised by BDVA/DAIRO and EUHubs4Data project. You can find more information about the Data Week 2021 and register here.
Thu May 27, 2021, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Setting the scene and goals of workshop – Andreas Metzger
- Opportunities of data-driven services and applications in ports and maritime logistics (10 min each)
- PIXEL – Carlos E. Palau
- TransformingTransport – Andreas Metzger
- BDVA subgroup “mobility and logistics” – Vivian Kiousi
- Architectures and building blocks for ports and maritime logistics data platforms (10 min each)
- ASSIST-IoT – Ángel Martínez Cavero
- SmartShip – Fotis Oikonomou
- DataPorts – Santiago Cáceres
- Towards European Data Sharing Spaces (10 min)
- BDVA task force “data sharing spaces” – Tuomo Tuikka
- Discussion on challenges towards ports and maritime logistics data sharing spaces
- Conclusion and next steps
- Fotis Oikonomou (Danaos Shipping)
- Carlos E. Palau (Universitat Politècncia de València)
- Vivian Kiousi (INTRASOFT International S.A.)
- Santiago Cáceres (ITI)
- Andreas Metzger (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Tuomo Tuikka (VTT)
- Ángel Martínez Cavero (Prodevelop)